Sayienth's Flight
 When the song rippled through Darkling Dawn, no one could doubt what it meant.
The tones were excited and... seductive.
Sayienth was rising.
Her clouded skin took on a glow, rising in intensity in the patches of lighter color. Viol was affected by her dragon’s state as well, her flute dancing over notes as quickly as a leaves over a rushing river.
Come to me, my suitors! Come and show me if you are worthy of my song! Crooned Sayienth, head rocking too and fro.
It was a nice group that had gathered, Sayienth certainly couldn’t complain for a lack of variety. There was the Midnight Drtwi’Suah, a spirited geperna. Bronze Alaukath had his strong points too, and Sayienth had taken a liking to the bronze. Silver-blue Retanel was a pretty one to look at, mysterious as his bond. Then again, for beauty, Ekethys was quite the catch too. And of course, Losaas. He had been paying Sayienth attention, something that no female dragon would complain about.
But... Sayienth had decided that she would drop all prejudices for her flight. If the male was worthy of her then they’d catch her. Otherwise... they weren’t worth her song.
Sayienth’s voice rocked to an even higher level, signaling her spring into flight.
If any flight had background music, this one definitely did. Sayienth’s music cycled with her, dived when she did, and even sank to soft flutters when she was hiding in clouds. None of the males had dropped out yet, but Drtwi’Suah was tiring and Ekethys was looking like maybe this flight wasn’t his idea of fun after all.
I’ll catch you yet! Called out Retanel, swerving around to intercept Sayienth’s twisted flight.
Sayienth gave her responding taunt in a lilting tune, one that left Retanel glaring and the spectators chuckling. Her song rose upwards once more while she flapped higher, scoping out the males who still flapped below her.
Drtwi’Suah, though tired, was starting to catch on. Sayienth liked to put her motions to music, but maybe she choreographed herself a bit too well. It was only by an instant, but she would spell out her next movement in music before the actual event.
He could use that.
Next turn, Drtwi’Suah was already there. Sayienth’s voice squawked to an astonished end, followed by purring.
On the ground, Viol was having a similar experience, except with the shifter Dramoro. Thankfully, he was in his human form. Viol left her flute on the stand outside the door as they both made their way inside. She wouldn’t be needing to talk tonight...
Written by Sherra