Karaiment's Flight
 It was rainy. Very dark and rainy when Karaiment decided to rise. She looked down from her ledge at the chasing males while her rider Shadow glared. Simply glared at the weather. “You just had to rise in the rain. Didn’t you.” She said turning her glare to the small black dragon. Yes. If you have a problem with that then you can stay here. Replied Karaiment in a cheery, yet, sarcastic tone. Shaking her head Shadow sat down. “Are you going to blood your kills?” asked Shadow. She need not to have asked in the first place as she had a feeling the answer would be no. It was. Standing back up Shadow mounted Karaiment.

“Fly down there please so it’s at least fair. I can’t have you launch yourself off the ledge.”
I was going to launch off the ground anyway. Kara’ said as she circled down in the pouring rain. Landing, Shadow slipped off Kara’ and walked over to a small dry spot just outside a door at Darkling Dawn. Why’d you do that. You’re already soaked through. Asked Karaiment. “Who’s fault is that?” replied Shadow. “You just go rise so I can get out of the rain.” Turning, Karaiment launched herself into the driving rain and the chase was on.

The first male off the ground was Senesta. After him came Kurrerr. The remaining three followed. Karaiment lead on into the rain. Though perfectly sane, the falling water didn’t seem to phase her. Actually, she was trying to make the flight a bit long so Shadow was stuck in the rain for a while. Humming quietly to herself, Kara’ had no clue how close the males were getting to her. Kurrerr flew above Karaiment and dropped in an attempt to catch but only missed. Bydanuchyth flew faster and tried to catch but only found he had wandered off in the rain and had flown straight through a very dark cloud of rain. Karaiment, realizing the distance between her and the males was shrinking dove for the clouds and then dove downward just in time to dodge an attempt from Ghost. Rychwynth sped up but dove as he saw Karaiment dive.

Senesta, who had been lagging behind, took the advantage of a catch and dove right behind Kara’. Only to find that Kurrerr had attempted the dive before him and flown into Ghost. Ghost pushed Kurrerr away from him and flew on. Rychwynth continued to fly silently near Karaiment waiting for the dragon to slow and tire. Much to his surprise he found he had been following Bydanuchyth instead of Karaiment. Karaiment watched as she waited for the lost suitors to figure out she was looking through the clouds above the low-lying storm. Kurrerr was first to discover Kara’s hiding place and revealed it as well to the males.

Senesta tried to continue on in the chase but decided enough was enough and dropped out to let his heavy, wet fur dry. Karaiment fell out of the clouds and flew down to miss a dive by Bydanuchyth. Rychwynth flew above Karaiment and dove while Ghost dove from beneath. Both males missed as Karaiment flew forward and up. Kurrerr tried to catch Kara’ in a head on attempted but his glowing aura gave him away and he missed as Kara’ dodged and dove. Bydanuchyth attempted a last catch but over-cast the shot and found himself whipping by Karaiment’s tail just as she decided do fold her wings a barrel roll into a lake. Dropping out, it was now up to Kurrerr, Rychwynth and Ghost to try and catch their black prize.

Karaiment swam through the water trying to get as close to Darkling Dawn as possible before one of the males decided to follow her. Kurrerr was first to spot her and dove into the water. Instantly becoming a glowing ball in the dark water. Bursting out of the water Kara’ flew back over Darkling Dawn. The rain had began to let up and visibility was increased as the ragging storm began to finally move on. Tired, Karaiment decided to end the flight.

With her wings sore, Karaiment folded them flat along her back and dove one last time leaving all her faith in believing one of the males was ready to catch her and finish the dive. Not caring too much on who caught her she found herself falling into the three remaining males. Kara’ spiraled down with Rychwynth, Ghost and Kurrerr wondering how it happened the she be caught by three males.
Written by Shadow