Hatching Cavern
The hatching sands are in a cavern, set apart from the rest of the dragonry, with a wide open archway to the outside, as well as various backway entries and tunnels. Convient for not getting wet when it rains. It's also close to the kitchens, so there's always a ready supply of food for hungry hatchlings.
The hatching cavern is set up Pern-style, with tiers of seats lining the walls where specatators and riders can sit while the candidates stand below on the sands. Which, also in Pern-style, are kept very hot at all times. The hatching sands are large enough to hold up to three clutching mothers at a time, and capable of housing up to 60 eggs-though not all from one dragoness, of course!
There are no eggs on the sands at the moment. You might want to ask around--is there something else going on?
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